Now, the biggest problem with The Haunting of Molly Hartley, well maybe not the biggest but one that definitely needs to be addressed, is the fact there really is no haunting taking place. When a movie has the word "haunting" in it, there better well be a haunting taking place. This movie is more about mental illness and religious fanaticism. There are a couple of times when the supernatural is alluded to, with the first couple being delivered in a way that mental illness and religion could be seen as the backbone as opposed to a ghost or some such. The only time that the supernatural really comes into play is the finale, which is presented in a way that that defies logic. It is like the writers decided they wanted the movie to end here, regardless of what may be left to tell and the only way to end was rely on convoluted supernatural nonsense, completely overshadowing the religious/mental nonsense that had come before.
What follows is pretty standard teen drama. Outcasts seek a friend, new girl ties to fit in and pretend all is normal, school jock likes new girl, jock's ex-girlfriend is jealous, yadda, yadda, yadda. Every once in a while we get a nose bleed, some whispered voices, or a jump scare (I presume to make sure the audience is still awake). Nothing creepy, nothing scary, nothing interesting, blah, blah, blah.
Seriously, as the climax approaches and deep dark secrets are revealed, she acts completely irratonally. She is built up one way, but when the secret comes out, her character does a complete turn to the opposite direction. Just an example of poor writing in a film that was not completely thought out.
The acting doesn't help. Haley Bennett, who looks like a cross between a young Valerie Bertinelli and a young Jodie Foster while having the talent of neither (at least in this movie), leads the charge with her blank expressions while Chace Crawford has a look of permanent belwilderment on his face.
Bottomline. I guess I should have known better going in. Sadly, I always hope to be surprised and sometimes I am, this time I was not. Poorly written, acted, and conceived. The Haunting of Molly Hartley is just another bland excursion into teen-targeted "horror."
Not Recommended.
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