Grace is Gone is an independent film from writer/director James C. Strouse. This is his directorial debut and only second screenplay, he first wrote Lonesome Jim, a film starring Casey Affleck and directed by Steve Buscemi. This film is a quiet, sad look into the life of a man struggling to stay afloat and keep his family together in the wake of a family tragedy that threatens to crumble his entire life around him. The story feels very real, but is a complete fiction with elements drawn from Strouse's own life and research done into military families (revealed in an interview with indieWIRE).
John Cusack stars as Stanley Philipps, a father of two, unhappy in work, uncomfortable at home, and lonely in the absence of his wife, Grace, as she is serving in the military, deployed to Iraq. Shortly after the film starts Stan gets the news that Grace has been killed in action. The news devastates him. Despite being well aware of this potential outcome, nothing was able to prepare him for how he would react, including his inability to tell his two daughters what has happened.
Rather than do the deed that he knows he has to do, he instead takes the kids on a spontaneous trip to a distant amusement park. It is a journey that succeeds at two things. First, it offers Stan some time to get to know his daughters. This is a must, as this life-changing event exposes his inability to talk to them. Secondly, the trip allows him to delay telling them the news, allowing them one more happy memory before their lives change forever.
John Cusack anchors the film with a captivating performance. He brings so much humanity and genuine emotion to the role that it is hard to look away. The two children, Shelan O'Keefe as Heidi and Gracie Bednarczyk as Dawn, turn in fine performances. Gracie as the younger daughter is reactive and lively, a refreshingly realistic performance. Shelan as the elder gives an effective, more complex performance. The character of Heidi has taken on a motherly role in the absence of their mother, attempting to be mature beyond her years. She is also the character to realize something is wrong with their father, although her youth prevents her from completely understanding what is happening. Together, these three performers deliver a strong core for the story.
Audio/Video. The video is crisp, clear, and free of any noticeable defects. The colors have a washed out look that keeps in tone with the story. The audio is also very good, everything is clear. The surround channels are not terribly active, but this is not that sort of film to worry about that.
Extras. There are a few featurettes included on the disk.
- A Conversation on Grace. This features interviews with James C. Strouse and cast members such as John Cusack and Shelan O'Keefe. It is an interesting look into the film and how a death such as this can affect so many people. (7 minutes)
- Inspiration for Grace is Gone. This is the story of Warren Pellegrin, a Marine who met his wife in the service. He lost his wife to an illness contracted while in service as a Navy Lieutenant. This is his story of how he told his children and how they made their way through the tragedy. (5.5 minutes)
- Profile of TAPS, A Tragedy Assistance Program. This is a look into the program and how it helps people deal with the loss of a loved one. (3.5 minutes)
- Theatrical Trailer. The original trailer that played a part in spiking my interest in the story. (2.5 minutes)
Bottomline. This is a wonderful little film. I will say that you need to be in the mood for something extraordinarily sad with a touch of hope. This is not light entertainment, but it is a wonderful story told with some wonderful performances.
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