The high concept behind Run Fatboy Run is that some loser who has lucked into the love of a beautiful woman, and on his wedding day, he leaves her at the altar, quite literally running away down the street as all of the guests watch. As if that wasn't enough, she is pregnant. I can here you now: "what a loser!" You know what? You'd be right. Any guy lucky enough to find themselves with a beautiful caring woman would probably be running down the aisle to make sure it happened.
What follows is something of a challenge; he agrees to enter a marathon that Whit is running in. He doesn't do this so much for the benefits of the run, or the charity that it would benefit, so much as the desire to beat Whit and prove to Libby that he is a changed man. It is all in the effort to possibly get back into her life, realizing his mistake as well as his reasons for running away in the first place, reasons that he may not have even known at the time.
Once the challenge is laid down, the film is a series of comical training sequences interspersed with encounters between the two competitors. Sprinkled throughout the comedy are some rather strong moments of fatherly parenting. The scenes between Dennis and his son are surprisingly effective and play to the strengths of the character, giving a real reason to care for him.
Simon Pegg and Hank Azaria truly carry the heavy lifting in this movie. Pegg is a very funny guy and I hope to see him in many things to come (although I am not so sure about him in Star Trek yet). He does a wonderful job of embodying the loser, he buys into the role and I found myself rooting for him throughout. Playing his opposite, Hank Azaria plays the well off, slightly arrogant new boyfriend, someone who initially is very likable, but is hiding something a bit darker. Their comedic chemistry is considerable and is the real reason to see the film.
The supporting cast does a fine job as well, even though they have much less to do. Thandie Newton provides a lovely presence as the object of Pegg's affections. There is also Dylan Moran as Dennis' lothario pal with a gambling problem. Their thread culminates with a rather funny slap fight in a piano store.
Overall, the movie is funny, but only in fits. The characters never truly dig too far into the surface, and this is what hurts its lasting effect. Yes, it is funny, but the characters never develop or show any true growth. This fact lessens the impact, thus making the film funny in the moment but not in retrospect.
Bottomline. I still like the movie and would gladly watch it again, but it really is an in the moment thing that will not last. Your level of enjoyment will likely be tied to how much you like Pegg's brand of comedy. While it is not his strongest work, it is instantly recognizable as to the source. Best recommendation would be to wait for DVD.
Mildly Recommended.
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