You know what they say about power: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." At least, that is how I think it goes, but no matter, I am sure you know what I am talking about. It is this concept that lies at the heart of The Golden Compass, a movie that burns through its plot like theirs no tomorrow.
At least, that is what I gathered the plot was. The Golden Compass is like a movie set on fast forward. It feels as if all of the connective tissue was cut, leaving a lean two hour movie that only serves to reveal plot points rather tell an actual story. To simulate this in a more complete movie, for the sake of comparison let's use Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, put in the DVD and then watch it in fast forward, literally. You will get the main plot stuff, but you will watch as scenes skip past and chunks are missing, you'll lose character moments and the reason why you should care about them.
The main plot thrust is split between Lyra's search for missing children and Marisa Coulter's (Nicole Kidman) desire to get her hands on the compass. It's too bad none of it makes sense and nothing is explained, otherwise this could have been an interesting movie. It was easy enough to follow what was going on, but when it came to the why's I found my mind wandering.
Whenever I saw angry polar bears all I wanted to do was give them a Coke. Everybody knows that bears like Coke, and there is nothing like a soft drink to soothe the savage beast. I wondered when Lyra would do something other than rely on the compass crutch to figure something out. I tried to find the anti-religious sentiment that brought down the ire of the League. Also, jsut when did witches fly and fight with bows and arrows? Finally, why did the end of the movie give us an outline of what comes in the next book/film?
What can I say? The Golden Compass is a rushed film. It moves forward at warp speed, never slowing to give us any quieter character moments, motivations, or story points. Where did the Gobblers come from? How many kids were missing? Was this some sort of epidemic? We are never told; the facts are just there with no supporting evidence. Overall, the movie is a bit of a slog.
The performances are more or less decent, with Nicole Kidman and Sam Elliot providing standout work. Nicole Kidman is Marisa Coulter, she holds a high rank in the Magisterium and is intent on obtaining the compass. Kidman brings her best ice queen persona to the role as she struts coldly through every scene she is in. Let me say that she is a vision of beauty, but when it comes to emotion, she is as icy as they come. Watching her work her magic was one of the highlights. At the other end of the spectrum is Sam Elliot as the aeronaut Lee Scoresby. He brings his cowboy warmth and dry humor to the screen in fantastic manner, delivering the most human of all the performances. He brings so much charisma to the screen that he is impossible to ignore.
As for the best moment, that belongs to the bears. There is a bear fight that is glimpsed in the trailers that is easily the best sequence of the entire film. There is more emotional involvement here than there is anywhere in the rest of the movie. A lot of its effectiveness is in no small part due to the voice work of Ian McKellan and Ian McShane. As for the fight itself, while I was not terribly convinced by the effects work, it is a brutal affair that ends in such an unexpected manner that even I uttered: "Cool!" under my breath.
That about sums up what I liked about The Golden Compass. Okay, I guess the big fight at the end was kind of fun. Also the daemons were a different concept that was handled well for the big screen; although, even they could have done with a bit more exposition.
Writer/director Chris Weitz fails to deliver anything wonderful or enchanting in this half baked fantasy. Is the novel better? I can only assume that it is. I had hopes that this could be the next great thing for fantasy; instead it continues the trend of disappointments. I guess if the title doesn't have the words Lord, Rings, Harry, or Potter in it, the product is destined to fail. Although, I do have to say that there was one great fantasy film out earlier this year that was more original, magical, and imaginative than this years Harry Potter and The Golden Compass combined. That movie is Stardust; see that instead of this.
Bottomline. You'd be better off renting Stardust and drinking a Coke. No, the movie is not without its merits. It is certainly ambitious enough, and there is likely a lot that can be read into what is provided. The problem is that what is provided is not nearly entertaining enough to warrant the effort.
Not Recommended.
The Golden Compass is a fascinating film about causal energy (what makes the mind and body tick) using the soul as its conduit. Carl Sagan also spoke about the dust and there were some themes employed in the movie similar to those in Contact, particularly the power source for motion. I enjoyed the movie immensely. It is a trail blazer to begin educating the world that people have a soul, which is a highly complex energy structure. And believe it or not, a calculator similar to what the elethiometer can do already exists in the real world. Rather than promote atheism, this calculator can be used to edify and bolster faith in God.
I would have to agree with that guy Nomisacri, there is more to this movie then one thinks. Perhaps that is the key, it does make one THINK. No matter how abstract the movie maybe or as close to real life. If one spends sometime thinking about the movie we have just seen, then it has done more then been entertainment. I know thinking, appears as a strange concept these days, when others seem to do our thinking for us, for example the slick advertising guru's and the politicians and those ever so righteous religious types out there. I myself think about a movie and what they tell you is part of the overall experience. I for one, thought this movie offered a lot of interesting concepts, especially about the role of the soul. It’s like that voice we hear in our heads communicating with us. In the movie this soul is like this but takes the form of an animal or demon. Perhaps the final form or manifestation of a demon, reflect the type of person their demon sees their counter part as been like, an example a ‘Jack Rabbit’. Also perhaps the reason why in the movie the children's demons change form is because children's minds are still open to ideas where adults have somewhat now fixed views and find change or new ideas and or concepts harder to deal with.
I also check out that Nomisacri guy’s web site and found to of great interest and it is well worth a look. However, be warned, it only a site for thinking people with an open mind. There is quite a lot of information there, again the person who read this information is been just simply as to think about what is stated.
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