June 24, 2007

Music Video: Stone Devil Hill performing "Neverchange" Live

A number of years ago, I met and became fast friends with a guy named Steve. The reason I met him was I happened to congratulate him on a good show, he was playing bass for a band called 8x10. We talked music for awhile, and found wee had much in common. Well, a couple years later, 8x10 is no more and a new band has arisen from its ashes, a better band, with a load of new songs. This new band is called Stone Devil Hill, and while their music is not forging any new ground, it is solid hard rock. They recently made an appearance on a local cable access show, performing a set of new music, here is the video to one of those tracks. It is a YouTube video, so it is heavily compressed, but it does give you a good idea of their music.

Also, be sure to check them out on MySpace.


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