March 27, 2007

Box Office Update 3/23-3/26: TMNT Charges Past 300

TMNT made a statement in its opening weekend, the mean green machine is back and ready to recapture its place in pop culture. Well, it may not have been that strong, but it did decidedly take the weekend's top spot over from 300. The animated action film brought a new look Ninja Turtle to the fore, delivering more than this viewer was expecting. 300 held the top spot for two weeks, and while it did slip out of the top slot, it still pulled in a good chunk of change. It will be interesting to see if these two films have the legs to stick out as competition begins to get heavier.

300 is poised to join an elite group, the mere handful of R rated films to crack the $200 million mark. It already has the best ever March opening, and the best ever Spring opening, in addition to having the third best opening for an R rated film. To cross the $200 million barrier would put it in the company of Passion of the Christ, Beverly Hills Cop, Saving Private Ryan, and Wedding Crashers. It needs less than $40 million to get there, and at the pace it is going, it should have no problem reaching that mark. Whatever its final tally is, the studio has to be ecstatic, as this has to be more than they ever expected from a stylized sword and sandal film with no stars.

This week featured a rather wholesale swap of films in the top ten. There were six new films released wide this weekend, and all six of them found their way into the top ten. They were led by the aforementioned TMNT, which is a wonderful new turn for the 80's icons. It was followed by Shooter, in third place. That was an exciting straight forward thriller, it was good, sort of like Bourne Supremacy lite. A couple more spaces down and you will find the unlikely pairing, at 5 and 6, of the family film The Last Mimzy, which I have not yet seen, and The Hills Have Eyes II, which I have. It may be a rather cliched horror film, but it does deliver the goods in the form of blood and tension. The final two came in 8 and 9, the films are Reign Over Me and Pride, respectively. The former is an emotional film that will leave you drained, as well as giving a new look at Adam Sandler, the latter I have not yet seen.

Of the returning films, Wild Hogs continues to show strong legs, coming in fourth. This film is proving to be amazingly strong as it is still selling out shows in my area. To further some anecdotal evidence as to the film's success, it seems to have tapped into an audience that does not get out to the movies as much, the people I see buying tickets seem to be more and more in their 40s and 50s. This could be seen as quite telling, and the success here may see more films aimed at the aging baby boomer demographic. This could perhaps be extrapolated to be proof that there is another market out there that could prove to be profitable, and lead to the development of other genres of films targeted at a more mature age and marketed on a large scale. Well, a guy can dream can't he?

Six films dropped from the list this week: I Think I Love My Wife (11), Bridge to Terabithia(12), Ghost Rider (13), Zodiac (16), Norbit (17), and Music and Lyrics (18).

This Week

Last WeekTitleWknd GrossOverallWeek in release


42Wild Hogs$13,850,542$123,303,8174
5NThe Last Mimzy$10,024,819$10,024,8191

The Hills Have Eyes II

8NReign Over Me$7,460,690$7,460,6901
104Dead Silence$3,440,415$13,216,1402

Box Office Predictions Recap
There was a rather sizeable turnover this week, six new films entered the top ten, and I did a rather decent at getting their positions pegged. I was able to get half the field right on, with two others with in one position. I had similar luck getting the gross figures, some I was right in the ballpark, while others were off by as much as 50%. Better than I had expected to be.
Anyway, here is how I picked the field:


PredictionTitleWknd GrossPrediction
11TMNT$24,255,205$30 million
22300$19,862,491$22 million
53The Last Mimzy$10,024,819$20 million
44Wild Hogs$13,850,542$16 million



$15 million

66The Hills Have Eyes II$9,686,362$11 million
87Reign Over Me$7,460,690$9 million
98Pride$3,533,300$8 million
79Premonition$9,562,739$7 million
1010Dead Silence$3,440,415$4 million


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