January 14, 2007

2007 Golden Globes: The Quick Run Through

It happens every year. As the Globes and Oscars creep up, I always find myself scrambling to put together some sort of prediction and wish list. Why should this year be any different? Well, here it is, a quick rundown of the categories I am interested in, with my prediction, my guess, and an overlooked gem or two. For the full list of nominees, see the IMDB page. Also, just like any awards show, or list in general, I have not seen all of the nominees. As much as I try, it is generally an impossible task. Still, I like to throw my voice out there, like anyone else would.

Best Motion Picture - Drama

  • Will Win: The Queen
  • Should Win: The Departed
  • Overlooked: Children of Men, United 93
  • Notes: I have a strong feeling that the Stephen Frears Royal family film will take the top spot, although I would like to see the Scorsese crime family step to the podium, based on the nominees. If I could step outside this list, I would have liked to have seen Children of Men and United 93 in that list. In particular, the incredible experience that is the Alfonso Quaron masterpiece should have been included. It topped my list, although I still have a couple films yet to see.

Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy

  • Will Win: Little Miss Sunshine
  • Should Win: The Devil Wears Prada
  • Overlooked: Clerks II
  • Notes: The dysfunctional family movie will come out on top, it was a crowd pleasing film of a family coming together, while I would like to see the subversive fashion show take the prize. Then there is the issue of Borat, which I think was one of the funniest films of the year, I am also a little Borat-ed out. I enjoyed it very much, but feel it was a bit over-exposed. Clerks II was my favorite comedy of the year, it was outlandish, over the top, vulgar, and had a great heart.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama

  • Will Win: Forest Whitaker (Last King of Scotland)
  • Should Win: Leonardo Dicaprio (The Departed)
  • Overlooked: Clive Owen (Children of Men)
  • Notes: I have not yet seen Scotland, but I have a feeling it will come out on top, While I think that Dicaprio should take the prize. I believe that his double nomination will split voites and prevent him from winning. Again, my top film of the year had it's acting card pulled. Owen should have been included here, his performance was fantastic, watching him transform over the course of the film.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama

  • Will Win: Helen Mirren (The Queen)
  • Should Win: Helen Mirren (The Queen)
  • Notes: I am at a bit of a loss here, only seeing one of the nominated performances, it just happens to be the one that I think will win. I thought the movie was good, if a little cold, but Mirren nailed the role and I feel she will be rewarded for it.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy

  • Will Win: Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat)
  • Should Win: Will Ferrell (Stranger Than Fiction)
  • Notes: Cohen will take the prize for the character that was everywhere this summer, but I feel that the more understated performance of Ferrell is the one that should be recognized. He really nailed his most mature film to date.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy

  • Will Win: Meryl Streep (The Devil Wears Prada)
  • Should Win: Meryl Streep (The Devil Wears Prada)
  • Notes: Streep owned the screen with her deliciously evil performance this summer, and one of the year's biggest surprises. From the competition, I think that both Annette Bening (Running With Scissors) and Toni Collette (Little Miss Sunshine) gave great performances, particularly Bening, who I felt was in a rather weak film.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture

  • Will Win: Jack Nicholson (The Departed)
  • Should Win: Ben Affleck (Hollywoodland)
  • Overlooked: Djimon Hounsou (Blood Diamond)
  • Notes: It's all about big bad Jack and his scenery chewing role as the crime boss of Scorsese's best film in years. Still, I really liked Ben Affleck's performance as the doomed George Reeves. Then there is the criminally overlooked Djimon Hounsou's performance who brought life to a one dimensional character, he was absolutely electric and should have been recognized.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture

  • Will Win: Jennifer Hudson (Dreamgirls)
  • Should Win: Rinko Kikuchi (Babel)
  • Notes: Everything I hear has pointed to an assured win for Hudson. I cannot really comment, as I haven't seen the film yet. Still, I think that Rinko Kikuchi's role as the deaf teen in Babel deserves to be recognized by the top award, her character left a powerful impression at the end of that film.

Best Director - Motion Picture

  • Will Win: Martin Scorsese (The Departed)
  • Should Win: Martin Scorsese (The Departed)
  • Overlooked: Alfonso Cuaron, Guillermo del Toro
  • Notes: Could this be Scorsese's first step towards his first Oscar? One could hope. On the other hand, they got one third of the Mexican trifecta, three Mexican directors who delivered extraordinary films this year. One being Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men and the other being Guillermo del Toro's dark fairy tale Pan's Labyrinth.

Best Screenplay - Motion Picture

  • Will Win: Little Children - Todd Field, Tom Perrotta
  • Should Win: The Departed - William Monahan
  • Overlooked: Children of Men, Pan's Labyrinth
  • Notes: I haven't seen Little Children, but a little voice is telling me it is going to win. I would much prefer the quick witted and highly suspenseful writing of The Departed. Better still would have been to see the wonderful Children of Men script, can you tell I liked the movie? Also, the script for Pan's Labyrinth has a wonderfully dark fantasy and a lot of heart, it should have been recognized among the nominees.
Best Original Score - Motion Picture
  • Will Win: Gustavo Santaolalla (Babel)
  • Should Win: Clint Mansell (The Fountain)
  • Overlooked: Mark Isham (The Black Dahlia), Philip Glass (Notes on a Scandal)
  • Notes: I like Santaolalla's score, but Clint Mansell created one of the best score's I have heard this year, there is a surreal quality to it that melds with the film perfectly. I also think that Isham and Glass should have been recognized for their fine work, the former in a movie that was overrated, the latter in a film that I have not yet seen. Then there are fun scores of Pirates of the Caribbean and Superman Returns, not awards worthy, but I liked them a lot.

Best Foreign Language Film

  • Will Win: Letters from Iwo Jima
  • Should Win: El Laberinto del Fauno
  • Notes: Apocalypto was the best pure action film of the year, but is not going to win here. I think that Eastwood's film has been gathering the steam required to push it over the top. Still, I would much rather have Guillermo del Toro's dark vision rise to the top. Of course, this is all without yet seeing Letters from Iwo Jima.

Best Animated Film

  • Will Win: Cars
  • Should Win: Monster House
  • Notes: Pixar's latest offering will probably take the trophy. It had the besr animation I have seen on the big screen, but it is Monster House that offered up the best experience, bringing the scares every child has of that creepy house down the block to the screen. Although, I wouldn't be adverse to seeing Happy Feet win.

Best Television Series - Drama

  • Will Win: Grey's Anatomy
  • Should Win: Heroes
  • Overlooked: Friday Night Lights, Battlestar Galactica, Studio 60
  • Notes: I have lost interest in the series, but still think it will walk away triumphant. However, the new science fiction series should take the award. There are a few other shows that should be mentioned. One is the surprisingly good, at least to me, Friday Night Lights, then there is the excellent Studio 60. Finally, the criminally ignored series of stronger genre content, such as Battlestar Galactica, one of the best shows going right now.
Best Television Series - Musical or Comedy
  • Will Win: Ugly Betty
  • Should Win: The Office
  • Overlooked: Scrubs
  • Notes: Everyone seems to rave about the fashion series, although I haven't had much interest in it. The Office should walk away with this one, it is easily my favorite comedy series on TV. Finally, the perenially overlooked Scrubs, brilliance without the trophies.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Musical or Comedy

  • Will Win: Steve Carell (The Office)
  • Should Win: Steve Carell (The Office)
  • Notes: An easy choice in a tough category. All five of the nominees have delivered work on their respective shows that I really like. Particularly Zach Braff, who should have had a win during the shows run, which may be coming to an end.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Musical or Comedy

  • Will Win: America Ferrera (Ugly Betty)
  • Should Win: America Ferrera (Ugly Betty)
  • Overlooked: Tina Fey (30 Rock)
  • Notes: Never really cared for Desperate Housewives being in the comedy category, seems like they did it at the time so they could leave the drama category for Lost, and know it is stuck there. It seems to be similar in tone to Grey's Anatomy. Anyway, I think that Ferrera will win. I do think that Tina Fey has done good work on 30 Rock and should have been recognized.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Drama
  • Will Win: Kiefer Sutherland (24)
  • Should Win: Kiefer Sutherland (24)
  • Overlooked: Kyle Chandler (Friday Night Lights)
  • Notes: I have a funny feeling that Kiefer will win, despite the show just returning to air. I have not seen Dexter, although I would love to get a glimpse of it. I think that Kyle Chandler should have been recognized for his work on Friday Night Lights.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Drama
  • Will Win: Ellen Pompeo (Grey's Anatomy)
  • Should Win: Evangeline Lilly (Lost)
  • Notes: Last year was Sandra Oh's win, will this year be Ellen Pompeo's turn? I think so. My choosing of Evangeline as the "Should Win" has nothing to really do with her worth, although she is good, I just like her.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television

  • Will Win: Jeremy Piven (Entourage)
  • Should Win: Masi Oka (Heroes)
  • Overlooked: James Callis (Battlestar Galactica)
  • Notes: I believe Piven won last year, right? Well, I think he will repeat for a show that I have never seen. I would like to see Masi Oka win, I enjoyed his bit playing on Scrubs, and he has really stepped up as a lynchpin character on Heroes. I would like to see James Callis recognized for his great job as Baltar on one of the best shows on TV that no one watches, Battlestar Galactica.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
  • Will Win: Sarah Paulson (Studio 60)
  • Should Win: Sarah Paulson (Studio 60)
  • Notes: Yes, I think Paulson should win. I love her character, carefully playing the line between her religion and her job. It is a delicate balance, and she plays it wonderfully.

That about wraps it up. We are merely hours away from finding out just how poorly I choose the winners. It still is fun, picking out my favorites from the year gone by from the sample we are given. Also, I know that I skipped a few categories, but I hit all the ones I am interested in.


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