October 12, 2005

The Trailer Park: Dragons - Metal Ages

Lion's Gate Family Entertainment will be releasing Dragons: Metal Ages at the end of the month. It is a computer animated film for kids based on the Dragons toy line from Mega Bloks, and a sequel to a release last year entitled Dragons: Fire and Ice.

I haven't seen either one of these programs, and it has been a long time since I played with anything even remotely like Mega Bloks (unless my Star Wars Legos count!). Pretty much the only thing I have seen related to Dragons is the trailer for this sequel film.

The trailer looks pretty good. The computer animation is crude, but serviceable for what is most likely a low budget affair. It gives us a glimpse intop the medieval world inhabited by armies of good and evil and hordes of dragons that rule the skies. I bet this would enthrall many youngsters filling their heads with ideas of these long ago fantasy settings, sparking their young creativity.

Not to say that this is going to be the best of things to watch, but I get the kids will get a kick out of it and enjoy it for the 70+ minute runtime. Just beware, they may want some Mega Bloks after seeing it!

You can see the trailer HERE.


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