August 1, 2005

Movie Recap: July 2005

This month provided me with a nice mix of the gritty and the family. The big effects films, and the smaller budgeted family films. Overall, it was pretty successful.

Best of the Month(tie): Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Devil's Rejects
Worst of the Month: Herbie: Fully Loaded
  1. Herbie: Fully Loaded. This was just flat out awful. Bad acting, bad effects, non-existent story. I think Lohan is a potentially good actress, she needs better scripts, and poor Michael Keaton. *.5
  2. Fantastic Four. Better than I had been led to believe, but still left a lot to be desired. It fails in some bad casting and a story that doesn't really take off. I do hope that there is a sequel, just with a different creative team. **
  3. Dark Water. I enjoyed this remake. It had a suitably creepy atmosphere and good performances from the leads. It fails in the marketing, this isn't really a horror film, so much as a drama with supernatural elements. **.5
  4. Mysterious Skin. This film was amazing. I was disturbed by the effects of the abuse and the ways that it affected these boys. Very good performances, one of the better films I've seen this year. ***.5
  5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I saw this twice, including an IMAX presentation, and thoroughly loved it each time. Johnny Depp gives another wonderful performance, and Tim Burton gives us another quirky tale. ***.5
  6. Wedding Crashers. Funny movie! Owen Wilson and Will Ferrell have great chemistry together, and Rachel McAdams and Isla Fisher are lovely and crazy. This was a blast, see it! ***
  7. The Devil's Rejects. Rob Zombie is really maturing as a filmmaker. This film his gritty, violent, and pulls no punches. There are no heroes here, it is refreshing to see that in a film. I loved it. ***.5
  8. March of the Penguins. A delightful documentary about the travels that Emperor Penguins make during mating season. It is beautifully shot, and really gives these birds of the cold personality. The choice of Morgan Freeman to narrate was brilliant. ***.5
  9. The Island. Surprisingly good film from Michael Bay. It does borrow liberally from other films, but it still holds itself together. High energy action, and good performances form it's leads work to it's advantage. ***
  10. Sky High. Like The Island, this borrows liberally from other films, but survives on good performances, and just being fun. ***
  11. Murderball. A documentary about quadriplegic rugby, this is a very good film. It tells some great stories and is truly inspiring. ***.5
  12. Bewitched. Good performances from the leads but the story didn't really go anywhere. It's a shame too, as I liked the basic concept they were working with **.5

That is all for this month.

Also at Blogcritics.


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