June 26, 2005

The Week That Was.....A Viewer's Diary: 6/19-6/25

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

Sunday 6/19.

  • Ebert & Roeper. This weeks films were:
    The Perfect Man: Two thumbs down.
    Me and You and Everyone We Know: Two thumbs up.
    Batman Begins: Two thumbs up.
    Pure: Two thumbs up.
    Video picks (or not):
    A Dirty Shame: Two thumbs down
    Rory: Two thumbs up.
    Hitch: Ebert- thumbs down, Roeper- thumbs up.
    Ebert's Pick: American Psycho
    Roeper's Picks: Insomnia, Magnolia
    : Two thumbs up.
    The Talent Given Us: Ebert- thumbs up, Roeper- thumbs down.
    Other recommendations:
    Layer Cake, Mad Hot Ballroom
  • Family Guy. Peter takes an intelligence test, finds out he is mentally deficient, and proceeds to take full advantage of it. ***
  • American Dad. Stan fights to become the new church deacon. He proceeds to use Roger's secretions in his plot to beat out his smug neighbor. Funny, but not spectacular. **.5

Monday 6/20.

  • WWE: Raw. Cena starts off the show wanting to take on Christian and Jericho, but instead gets Hassan. Then the next draft pick is announced, Carlito, who has his first match defeating Shelton Benjamin for the IC title. Viscera then squashes Simon Dean. Then the wedding, these angles tend to stink, this was no different, except for Lita's dress. A cruel prank came during this, when Matt Hardy's music was played. The closed with a tag match with HBK and Batista v HHH and Angle. Mediocre show. **.5
  • The Closer. I remember liking the episode, but waited to long to write, so the details have slipped my mind. I do remember liking the continued emphasis with her accent, and people underestimating her. ***
  • AFI Life time Achievement Award: George Lucas. This was a fun show, watching all of these stars reminisce on the making of the original Star Wars films, Indiana Jones, THX-1138, and more. It may have amounted to more or less a love fest for George, it was nice to see all these people reunited. ***

Tuesday 6/21.

  • AFI: 100 Years, 100 Quotes. Three hours counting down. There are so many other quotes they could have included, but it was a good list, bringing up films I have not seen and such, which is what these lists are good for. ***

Wednesday 6/22.

  • The Inside. This was a very good episode. A killer who targets potential killers and kills them before they do anything wrong. Maybe they should let him continue? Nah. He also knows about Rebecca's past which leads to trouble. ***.5

Thursday 6/23.

  • WWE: Smackdown. Just a couple of things of note here. Undertaker shoots lighting at Orton. Hassan and Daivari are the draft picks. Most notable is the debut of a new faction, the Mexicools, Juventud, Psicosis, and Super Crazy. Decent show. ***

Friday 6/24.

  • The 4400. Decent episode, features a fun guest spot from Robert Picardo. It just struck me, the similarities between this 4400 group and Scientology. ***
  • The Dead Zone. A guy is collecting women in an effort to find the perfect woman. One of his past victims suffers from rekindled Stockholm Syndrome putting Johnny in the line of fire. Good episode. ***
  • Rescue Me. This great show makes it's triumphant return in all it's flawed glory. Tommy is having trouble fitting in at his new house. His life is spiraling out of control. His wife took the kids, sold their house and disappeared. This is the show to see. ****
  • Into the West. This has been pretty good, after a slow start. Still, it hasn't inspired me to write much about it. ***

Saturday 6/25.

  • The Batman. The Joker is back turning things into putty and the police are targeting the Bat. Moderately entertaining. **
  • Justice League: Unlimited. Captain Atom gets recalled to the Air Force, to be put to work for the Cadmus baddies. The Question fears what Superman may do to a President Luthor and sets out to kill Lex. Superman teams up with Huntress to find the Q. How will it end? Tune in next week. ***

Also at Blogcritics.org.


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